Ultimate Guide To Auto Repair Software For Shop Managers

In today’s age of the auto repair industry, softwares have become necessary. Chances are that if you’re reading this article, you have already explored the many benefits of auto repair software. Hence, you must have even used one and decided that this is the future of auto-repair. But even if you are here to start from scratch when it comes to learning about an automotive repair shop software for mechanics, we are here to help.

Auto repair shop software is one of the most important pieces of technology any auto repair shop manager or even owner can utilize. It removes the possibility of human error, coordinates work schedules for car-fixers, and automatically sends notifications when maintenance or repairs need to be done amidst a host of other benefits as well. To keep it short and simple, auto repair software boosts efficiency.

This “Ultimate Guide” will go through all the features you need to know about auto repair softwares in order to make an informed decision when it comes to purchase time; you’ll know just about everything there is to know by the end of this article!

What is Auto Repair Management Software?

Auto repair management software is a program that helps auto shop managers and users organize and automate their day-to-day operations. The software itself will usually be installed on the shop’s computers or even comes in the form of applications that run on phones.

It will help auto repair shop owners and managers manage all of their different employees and their tasks, as well as track their progress throughout the day with real-time updates. The software can also take over the task of scheduling appointments, processing estimates and invoices, and even printing paychecks.

There are many different types of software available today, and companies that specialize in this field have come up with many innovative programs. The kind of features and benefits that one can get from automotive repair software varies, which is where our ultimate guide comes in handy.

Why Should You Invest in Auto Repair Management Software?

The benefits of purchasing auto repair management software are pretty significant and endless. There are a number of reasons why you should purchase this program, and they include:

  • Automation – since the program can automate many of the day-to-day tasks that need to be done on a daily basis, it frees up more time for workers to actually fix cars. This is especially important for smaller auto repair shops that don’t have many workers. There just isn’t enough time in a day to fix cars, book appointments, and stay on top of inventory.
  • Increased efficiency – with a program in place, there’s no need for an admin assistant to input all of the data for workers into Excel or Access. There’s no need to spend countless hours organizing employee schedules. And there’s no need to waste money on hiring and training an admin assistant when you can easily use software to handle all of these tasks.
  • A proactive image – this really is just common sense, but having auto repair management software in place will give auto repair shops a very professional image. It will tell customers that you are a well-respected business owner who takes their needs seriously. It’ll also let customers know that all of your workers are constantly busy fixing cars, even though they may not look like it at times.
  • Tracking key performance indicators – A key role of shop managers is to track the profitability and cash flow of the shops. Auto repair shop software includes dashboards that help managers in tracking performance at a single glance.
  • Cost Saving – Obviously, the main purpose of having an automotive repair shop software is to help save money and increase efficiency in the shop. But not just that, more than that, it can make managing and operating your auto body business a whole lot easier. If you want everything to be automated and recorded on a digital platform in order for you to be able to know what’s going on where and when, then an auto repair shop management software is all you need. Another great feature that comes with many of these shop management systems is user training support

Common Features of Auto Repair Software

While different vendors offer software with different features, a basic auto repair shop management software will contain the following features which are a bare minimum when purchasing it:

  • Inventory management and order tracking
  • Customer relationship management (CRM)
  • Marketing features
  • Human resource management including labor rates and timekeeping
  • Scheduling of appointments and work order management
  • Bookkeeping and record management
  • Invoicing and payroll processing
  • Data storage and management
  • Integrations with other business tools

While these are some of the most common features of auto repair software, vendors nowadays are offering access to upgraded versions with many more features. Auto software usually can be bought as part of a monthly subscription but then again, the payment terms vary with the vendor and brands you buy your software from.

Picking the Right Auto Repair Software: What to Look for?

With the market swarming with different auto repair softwares, it can become really challenging to pick one that serves your needs well. This is where we step in with our quick guide on the key things you need to look out for before you can become a happy and satisfied auto repair shop manager with an auto repair shop software.

Remember, there is no single auto repair software that will work for all shop owners and managers. The suitability of the software actually depends on some factors which you need to be wary of before you can begin your search. For example, the most obvious factor that you need to consider is the scale of your shop/business. No two auto repair shops are the same; they will vary in terms of their size, number of employees/clients, etc.

what Are the Other Factors You Need to Think About Before Beginning Your Search?

  1. Understand your needs in terms of the repair software
  2. Explore the auto repair management software market, look at prices and features
  3. Match your needs with options available from vendors do a competitive analysis
  4. Run a test trial of software
  5. Choose the software which has been the most suitable

All of these questions offer a logical sequence that you can follow to get your hands on a software that is not only value additive but is the best suited for your needs as well.

Understand your needs in terms of the auto repair software

There are a lot of needs when it comes to running an auto repair software, but which ones do you need to prioritize?

  1. Understand what your current workflow looks like from marketing your services to performing the task for clients and calculating profit.
  2. Identify current bottlenecks in work including time taken to perform repairs, invoice processing and closing a task.
  3. Take feedback from your team members about what they would like the software to cover so it’s a well-rounded decision.
  4. Look at your current scale of business and also your budget.
  5. Look at what softwares your closest competitors are using and create a blueprint.
  6. Make a list of all the features you require in the software after mapping your workflow.

Explore the auto repair software market, look at prices and features, do a competitive analysis

After you understand what your shop requires in terms of features, start exploring the different options that offer the same features. Make sure you are looking for software that falls within your budget so the cost is also justifiable.

You can make this list using both primary and secondary research, ask some of your closest competitors what they’re using (usually people are happy to help) or even a quick internet search will help.

Match your needs with options available from vendors do a competitive analysis

You can do a quick competitor analysis by creating an excel table in which you list features including the price point as headings and vendors in rows. Tick mark the features that are available for each vendor, pick the one that has the features you need at the price that you’d like.

Run a test trial of the software

Now that you have managed to pick a software that seemingly solves all your needs, you have to run a test trial.

Once you run the trial, make sure you pay heed to the following things that the trial should show:

  1. User friendly and ease of use
  2. Allows for multiple users
  3. How it has helped in solving your business pain points
  4. Speed and overall efficiency

There is no better way to try out a product than a free trial, so we would suggest that you don’t skip this part because once you buy a software, there is no going back.

Choose the software which has been the most suitable

Lastly, we would suggest that you purchase the software that also has passed the free trial phase. Make sure you don’t get bogged down by a long process of evaluation, it’s important that you actually end up buying the software after this process.