Is Leasing More Affordable Than Buying?

When it comes to acquiring a car, there are two options car owners can choose from — leasing or buying. While these two options are very different, they both have their own set of pros and cons. So with so many great car leasing deals out there, which one is more affordable in the long run?

Leasing vs. Buying

Here are some things you need to know about auto leases and buying a new vehicle:


Leasing a car is essentially renting it from the dealership for a set period of time, usually two to three years. During this time, you will make monthly lease payments for the car lease that are typically lower than if you were to finance a car purchase. At the end of your lease period, you will have the option to buy the car, return the same car to the car dealership, or get a car loan for lower monthly payments or a down payment.

Moreover, leased vehicles also has low maintenance costs since repairs, and regular leased vehicle maintenance are typically covered by warranty or gap insurance.

When the lease period ends, you will have to give the car back to the dealership unless you decide to buy it. If you decide to buy it, you will have to pay the residual value, which is the agreed-upon purchase price of the car at the beginning of the lease. However, if you keep the car for longer than the lease term or put more gas mileage or mileage limit, you may have to pay additional fees to the original car owner.


Buying a car, on the other hand, means that you will own the vehicle outright once you have made all of your payments. You can also sell or trade in your car at any time at market price, depending on the car’s total cost.

However, with a purchase, your monthly payments will usually be higher than with a lease since you are financing the entire cost of the vehicle.

In addition, buying a car can also be paid for by an auto loan, which gives you an option for loan payments instead of paid cash. This type of car ownership also has its own set of pros and cons that you should consider before making your decision.

The Cost of Leasing a Car vs. Buying a New Car

When it comes to the cost of leasing vs. buying, it really depends on a number of factors. For example, if you plan on putting a lot of miles on your car each year, an auto lease may not be the best option since most leases come with mileage restrictions. Exceeding these limits can result in expensive penalties.

Additionally, if you don’t want the hassle of having to sell or trade-in your car when your lease is up, then buying may be the better option, and can save money on monthly payments. All you need to do is pay cash, and you’ll have the luxury car of your dreams. With a lease, you will need to find someone to take over your payments or return the car to the dealership.

Finally, it’s important to consider the long-term costs of both options. When you lease a car, you will never own it and will always need to get a new car every few years. This can be expensive in the long run. However, if you buy a car, eventually own it outright and won’t have any more monthly payments.

Leasing vs. Buying in Terms of Value

One of the most important factors to consider when deciding whether to lease or buy one is residual value. RV is the projected value of a car at the end of a lease term.

For example, if you are leasing a car with a car residual of $10,000, this means that the used car is expected to be worth a $10,000 lease price at the end of your car lease contract or lease agreement.

If the leased car’s actual value is less than the RV, you will owe money to the dealership when you return the car. If the car is worth more than the RV, you will get a refund.

The Bottom Line

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to leasing cars vs. buying a car. It really depends on your personal preferences and budget. If you want a lower monthly cost payment and low down payment and don’t mind giving up the option to own your car, then leased cars may be the better choice.

However, if you’re looking for long-term savings and the ability to own your car outright, then buying may be the way to go that car leasing. You can ask for help from a car financing company and ask how much the monthly payment you need to prepare for car buying is.