How to Clean Oil Off an Engine: Step by Step Guide (2022)

Maintaining your car’s engine is crucial to keeping your car’s overall health. Regular engine maintenance includes cleaning oil off the engine to avoid any damage, burning of oil leading to fumes, and checking engine oil levels. Degreasing your engine periodically improves its performance and saves it from costly repair.

This step-by-step guide is an excellent rescue if you are looking for an efficient way of cleaning oil off an engine. So, let’s get started.

Step 1: Dry cleaning

To begin with, you should clean the vent openings, hood, and grill of your engine to eliminate any dust and debris. While the compressed air method works well for this job without damaging any critical parts of the engine, you may also choose a hard cleaning brush if the compressed air can is not accessible.

After cleaning it with the dry method, you also require a splash of water to clean the engine thoroughly. Cover all the sensors, exposed wiring, and other sensitive parts with plastic baggies wrapped with a rubber or a little tape. Although most of the components in the engine are waterproof, it is still judicious to be extra cautious in protecting the sensitive parts of the engine to avoid any damage due to excessive water soaking.

Step 2: Target the Accumulated Grease

Once you start your engine for even 10 minutes, the accumulated grease and oil on the engine start loosening. As the engine turns hotter, even the degreaser products work well with degreasing.

 Step 3: Using Engine Degreaser

To clean the engine thoroughly, it is essential to use a citrus-based cleaner. You may also use mineral water, but an engine degreaser gives you better results. Avoid petroleum-based products as they are harsh on the seals and hoses and can cause damage. Apply the degreaser gently over the affected engine areas but avoid using it over the fenders as these degreasing products remove the waxing. Similarly, do not apply the degreaser to the grille and hood.

Step 4: Soak it for 3 – 5 minutes.

Allow the degreaser to work properly by leaving it for a minimum of 3 minutes on moderately dirty car engines and 5-7 minutes on excessively dirty car engines. Use a stiff brush if you find heavy deposits in your engine. Once you are done cleaning, hose down to remove all the dirt and debris along with a degreaser.

Step 5: Clean it gently

Avoid using excessive nozzle pressure while cleaning the degreaser. It may result in damaged electrical connections. Choose a regular garden hose with an adjustable nozzle and a moderate stream of water.

Step 6: Dry your Engine completely

Although the heat from the engine quickly dissipates the moisture, you must avoid the spot dry as it may leave the moisture in other crucial components of the engine. Use a micro-fiber cloth to dry down the engine thoroughly.

Using an engine protectant is highly recommended after drying off the engine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use a Brake Cleaner to clean the oil off my engine?

Brake oil is safe to use on all the mechanical parts of your engine. A simple spray of brake oil can easily clean the engine without much effort. However, ensure that you don’t put too much brake oil on the engine, as it will result in overheating. Also, avoid applying brake oil directly on the engine block as it may lead to corrosion.

Is it safe to pressure wash your engine?

Using a high-pressure wash for your engine is not recommended. But yes, you can use a moderate pressure wash after applying the degreaser to remove the dirt, grease, and oil entirely from the engine along with the degreaser.

What Happens If I Spilled Engine Oil on the Engine?

Although it will not damage anything, you may observe white smoke once the engine turns on due to engine oil burning. Unless the entire oil completely burns off, the smoke will continue.

Is Brake Cleaner better than Engine Degreaser?

No, a brake cleaner is more expensive. Hence, we recommend buying an engine degreaser to clean the engine thoroughly without pinching your pocket. However, if you own a brake cleaner, you may consider cleaning your engine using this brake cleaner.

How Much Time does the Engine take to Dry?

An engine to dry off completely takes almost 20-30 minutes. After that, once you start the engine and it turns hot, it dries off completely.

Last Words

Engine degreaser is a beneficial product that helps remove the engine’s dirt, grease, and oils. It is easy to use and requires no special tools or equipment. You can also use it to clean up the engine before washing it.