Expert Tips To Fix Car Dents In Your Own Garage

Anyone can own a car, but keeping it maintained is not everyone’s cup of tea. You have to deal with several problems when sustaining your car. One of the most common problems among them is dealing with small dents on the car.

Even if it’s a small one, it can hinder the appearance of your car – you know that.

No one wants this to happen with their car. Therefore, the first thing you have to do after seeing a dent in your car is to remove it.

Not every time you need to take your car to a mechanic to get rid of these dents. We are here to tell you how you can remove small dents from your car at home. However, you first need to know why getting rid of car dents is so important.

Risks Associated with Car Dents

Going through the risks associated with car dents is the best way to find out why you need to get a dent out of a car. The following are the key things your car has to face when one or more minor dents are present on it.

Low Insurance Value

The first risk associated with a dented car is low insurance value. Visible small car dents result in a major decrease in the insurance value of the car. You basically have to face this problem when renewing your car’s insurance or buying a new one.

Lowered Market Value

Dents and scratches reduce the market value of your car. It can be a major loss for you when you are planning to sell your old car and get a new one. You have to sell the car at relatively lower rates.


It is probably the biggest risk linked with car dents. Minor dents or even scratches can lead to rusting. Once your car starts getting rusted, it is not easy to prevent it. Rusting will damage your car internally, especially the paint and body of your vehicle. These damages can go beyond the repair probabilities and can be heavy on your pocket.

Easy Ways to Get a Dent Out of a Car at Home

After going through the aforementioned risks, you must have realized that you need to get the dent out of your car as soon as possible.

The following are some of the proven ways to pop dents out of car at home.

Use a Plunger

A plunger is not only for opening your clogged drains. You can also use it as a dent removal tool. The key thing you need to keep in mind is that only a cup plunger can do this job. You need to splash some water on your car and plunger. Then simply attach the plunger at the dent site and start pushing and pulling it. Inward and outward movements of the plunger can pop out the dent.

Using a Hair Dryer and Compressed Air

This technique is super effective in removing dents from the plastic area of your car. It is challenging to remove dents from plastic areas as plastic is hard, and you can break it. Therefore, you need to soften it using a hair dryer. You need to use the hair dryer at a maximum temperature.

The dented area gets expanded by this activity. After that, you need to take a compressed air cylinder and open it near the dented area. Contraction due to the coldness of compressed gas removes the dent.

Dry Ice

Using dry ice is among the top dent removal tips. First of all, you need to wear gloves, so your hands remain protected. Then you have to take a piece of dry ice and rub it on the dent. You have to do so for the time being until you hear the sound of a dent popping out. The dent must be popped out at once. This method is super effective for small dents.

Vacuum Cleaner

A vacuum cleaner is an effective tool to pop out a dent at home. However, the main thing is to find a dent puller that can help you in removing dents. You don’t need to search for it as you can now make it. All you need is a pot.

Make a hole in it and attach it to the pipe of the vacuum cleaner. Tape it perfectly so that no air gap remains there. After that, you have to attach the pot to the dent and turn on the cleaner. High vacuum pressure helps in dent removal.

Wooden Dowels and Hot Glue

The key thing you have to focus on during the car dent repair is the damage to the paint. Without the proper knowledge, you can do more damage to the car when removing dents. The risk of worsening the dent and damage to the paint is always there.

However, you can use wooden dowels and hot glue for paintless dent removal. You need to take screws and nails and pass them through the dowels. After that, you have to attach the other end of the dowel to the dent with the help of hot glue. Repeat it until the whole dented area is covered. Now you have to wait for the glue to dry and then pull the dowels to remove the dent.

Specialty Tool

Specific tools are available to remove the car dents at home. You can get specialty tools from any well-reputed store and use them to pop out your car’s dents. These specialty tools are pretty effective and can give you excellent results at home.

Final Words

You cannot allow a minor dent to ruin the whole look of your car. Therefore, you need to get them removed as soon as possible. You can try any of the above-mentioned DIY techniques to remove dents at home. However, you need to be gentle when removing dents. Otherwise, you can damage the paint of your car. If you have time to take your car to the mechanic, then it is the best solution. An expert can remove the dents from your car in no time.