A Checklist of The Best E-Bike Equipment for Beginner Cyclists

Commuting via bicycle, electric bike, or motorcycle is becoming an increasingly more popular method of transportation among members of the public due to its many benefits. From being more environmentally friendly to making you more energized in the morning, commuting via bicycle, e-bike, or motorcycle offers many advantages to those who use them.

However, to make light electric vehicle commuting enjoyable and more secure, it’s vital that you have the necessary equipment while you’re out and about so that you can minimize the risk of accidents. Yet, for those who have just begun their two-wheeled adventure, knowing what gear to attach to your bike or have about your person might be more challenging than avid bike riders.

To make acquiring the necessary equipment more accessible for beginner cyclists, we’ve created this list of gear you’ll need when turning your commute from a four-wheeled one to a two-wheeled one. So, keep reading as we detail some of the essential safety equipment you should consider using each time you ride.

Bike Locks

If helmets are the most critical piece of cycling equipment, then a high-quality bike lock might be the second most important. It’s no secret that bicycles, whether electric or not, are a prime target for thieves, with over 188,500 incidents of bicycle theft reported in the United States each year, not including the number of incidents that go unreported.

Since e-bikes can cost anything between $1,000 to $10,000, it only makes sense that you want to keep you and your e-bike as secure as possible. One way cyclists can do this is by investing in a reputable, high-quality bike lock to keep their e-bike safe when left unsupervised. Since no lock is entirely thief-proof, it is advisable that you use two different styles of locks together.

Ultimately, your goal should not be to make your e-bike ‘theft-proof’ as this is not possible; instead, you should aim to make it seem like it’s not worth the hassle to bike thieves. The best bike locks are locks like U-locks, folding locks, and chain locks which act as a visual deterrent and are strong enough that if a thief were to attempt to steal your e-bike, it would cause enough noise and time-wasting that the thief would give up.

Alongside having physical safety precautions in place, don’t forget to protect your e-bike further by investing in an e-bike insurance policy. Providing a range of features or coverages, you can find insurance for Rad Power, Pedegro, Aveton, and many other leading e-bike brands which can cover you in the case of theft, accidental damage, loss during transit, and more.

If you’re looking for insurance for Rad Power or any of the previously mentioned e-bike brands, consider investing in the services of bike insurance providers like Velosurance. They provide a range of flexible policies that protect your e-bike against liability protection, medical gap coverage, any crash or accidental damage, and more. Consider visiting their website for more information or contact a team member directly for specific inquiries.


Another essential piece of cycling equipment for beginner cyclists is a cycling helmet, designed to protect your head from scratches or impacts should you fall off your bike. Finding a helmet is simple enough but choosing a high-quality helmet that suits your riding style is less straightforward. In the U.S, all bicycle helmets must pass specific standards to prove that they are effective as mandated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Depending on the cycling you intend to do, there are additional standards for helmets, so ensure that you check the label on the product to double-check that it has the protective features you require. As well as choosing a helmet with the correct safety features for the type of cycling you intend to participate in, you should also ensure that you select a helmet that fits properly, as failure to do so can compromise your safety and create an uncomfortable riding experience.

You can check whether a helmet is well-fitting by ensuring that it fits snugly but not uncomfortably, which you tell is the case as it should sit level on your head with the front edge leaving around one and a half inches or less above your eyebrows, so your forehead is also protected. There should also be no side-to-side or front-to-back motion when you move your head; if it does shift while moving your head, you will need to adjust the fit.

electric bike battery motor wheel with pedal rear shock absorber

Cycling Gloves

Often thought to be a cycling accessory for younger children, cycling gloves are another essential piece of cycling equipment for beginner e-bike users. In the instance that you fall off your bike or suffer an accident at the hands of another, you will more than likely attempt to break the fall with your hands, which can result in bruises, cuts, and even broken bones.

Investing in a high-quality pair of cycling gloves can provide your palms with the cushioning they need to protect them from impacts and make for a more comfortable riding experience when traveling long distances. Depending on the level of protection you want, you can find cycling gloves on the market to suit various needs, from fingerless gloves that cushion your palms while giving you full dexterity to full coverage gloves that can offer you maximum protection.

Protective Glasses

Whether riding down the street or cycling on a nature trail, insects, dirt, and debris fly into your direct line of sight, which can threaten your vision. Obstruction of your vision, whether on four wheels or two, is one of the most dangerous threats cyclists or drivers can face while on the road since obstacles can easily cause you to lose control of your transportation method, and the worst-case scenario leads to an accident.

To avoid this happening, ensure that you purchase a high-quality pair of protective glasses that can keep insects, dirt, or debris flying into your eyes, prevent you from being dazzled by the driver’s high beam, stop the sun from distracting you, and help increase your visibility during poor weather. From a simple pair of sunglasses with specialist lenses to full-coverage options, there are various types of protective glasses on the market – look to see what suits your riding style and will keep you safe.